“I fell in love with teaching almost immediately. It felt so rewarding. Being able to help someone fulfill a small dream, or achieve a sound they’d always hoped to find or begin to understand the magic in music. It has never let me down. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.”

Find yourself at this level.
I will help you fall in love with your instrument, with music, with songs, with all the magic involved in creating, learning and performing. And a few years down the line you could be this good if you commit and work at it. So proud of my amazing first student and where he’s got to in his life musically..
A truly astonishing piece of guitar playing from my beloved first ever student. He was such a joy to teach. I loved teaching him. He loved learning. He worked so hard and here is what can happen if you do the same. So proud of him

Go on a journey as amazing as this one..
I started teaching Jack Hohnen-Weber in 2010. It’s one of the most extraordinary experiences i’ve ever had not just as a teacher but as a musician and a human being. His progress has been truly astonishing and it gives me such a sense of fulfillment knowing I helped him carve this incredible path he’s now on.
This was right at the beginning of Jack’s amazing journey. We would write, jam, record and i’d show him loads of different ways to discover how to become an artist.
This is where he’s got to now! He’s an incredibly accomplished songwriter, vocalist, producer and multi instrumentalist. And he’s only just 19. It blows my mind how far he’s come. My journey with jack was one of the highlights of my life, not just my career.

make yourself stand out..
It all began when Toby heard my song on a tv show…then he discovered I was teaching. Now he’s a recording artist in his own right.I focused on encouraging him to have confidence and guiding him in his songwriting. He was initially nervous about performing but after being my pupil he went on to become an artist that now regularly performs and produces music
'Ache' by James Carrington is beautiful ballad that I first heard in the TV show 'Smallville' years ago. I was instantly hooked and became a fan of the singer-songwriter James Carrington. As luck would have it we ended up connecting when I first came to London and he became my song-writing mentor for a couple of years before he moved to LA and we have remained good friends since. The song has been used in a number of other TV shows since Smallville such as the medical drama 'ER' and The Vampire Diaries. It's beautiful melody and delicate lyrics will stand the test of time. Toby Benson

..and end up recording a beautiful song for the world to hear!
I loved helping Toby develop his songwriting talent and helping him to focus on his emotions when writing. This song he wrote about his daughter is a great example of how far he has come since our lessons together. This was released to the world on November 25th 2020.
Little Lady - Toby & Pip - The official music video.Since her birth we have recorded 1 second of every day of her life. Having written a song for our beautiful daughter...we thought it seemed fitting to make a music video from these video clips. Two & a half years of her life in two & a half minutes! Thanks to the brilliant team at 1SE for making such a great app that assisted us in making this!

Play at an iconic venue.
It can all begin with an idea. You start writing. I help you. A song emerges and before you know it you’re performing at an iconic venue in Los Angeles…
Places my pupils have played in Los Angeles include The Baked Potato, Hotel Cafe and The Mint
This is Sami Grosslight and I rehearsing a song we co-wrote together during her time learning with me. We would go on to perform this at the legendary LA music venue..The Mint to a packed crowd.

the younger the better!.
Like anything, the earlier you start the better your chances of progressing quicker. The brain and heart are such empty canvasses early on and receive information so willingly and without too much debate!
Danielle started out young. We’ve played guitar, studied piano, laughed, got frustrated, smiled and been on a wonderful journey together. Watching a child bloom is such a treat. When I see this video now it’s amazing to think of her as she is now!